Bless Every Home

One of the main ministry tools we use at Transformation Jacksonville is It provides resources to live a pray-care-share lifestyle, where believers first bless their neighbors through prayer, bless their neighbors through genuine care and acts of service, and THEN bless their neighbors through sharing the Gospel and through discipleship.

The comprehensive site tools on make it easy to pray for and build relationships with your neighbors by name, and you can even track your personal progress with each neighbor on a map in your private dashboard. It's free and confidential.

Using this link, you can sign up for Bless Every Home under the Transformation Jacksonville umbrella of believers.

FOR PASTORS gives you the tools to become a Light for Christ in your neighborhood. Join an ever-growing community of Christ followers who are devoted to being a Light in their neighborhoods through praying for, caring for, sharing the gospel with, and discipling their neighbors.

We provide all the tools to get to know your neighbors by name so that you can begin to build relationships with them. Use your dashboard to track your individual progress with each neighbor. You will even receive optional daily reminder emails with a prayer prompt and 5 neighbors to pray for that day.


Jacksonville is the largest city geographically in North America. For years, Transformation Jacksonville has been primarily engaged with encouraging and enabling followers of Jesus throughout our great city to adopt streets and pray for their neighbors following a Luke 10 model. At one time those efforts produced a stack of 1,800 commitment cards representing nearly 15,000 streets to be adopted. Several attempts at creating a tool to capture these commitments for ongoing encouragement and connectedness were steps in the right direction, but not good enough.

A partnership with Chris Cooper and the Mapping Center for Evangelism yielded exactly what we were looking for. And Bless Every Home was designed with Jacksonville in mind. Bless Every Home is a terrific platform for believers all over the city and from every congregation to strategically work together to reach their neighbors and neighborhoods with the presence, power, promise, and people of God. Bless Every Home was too good of a tool to keep to ourselves.

It is now a national platform for believers all over America and it is being used extensively to reach this nation for Christ. But it is a home-grown tool designed with our city in mind. In fact, it was a Transformation Jacksonville board member who produced the original video to get out the original message of Bless Every Home. When you use this tool to live out a Pray-Care-Share lifestyle where you work, play, learn, and live, you are doing your part in working together to bring Transformation to Jacksonville.

By clicking on this link to sign up for Bless Every Home you will be included in under the Transformation Jacksonville umbrella of believers reaching their neighbors for Jesus.